In order to play this game, select a piece and move it within the green square, then it will be your opponent's turn. The crossing lines deal damage to the pieces that lose in the cross (If paper lines cross rock lines, the rocks would take 1/10th of the health as damage per crossing in the move per turn). Every turn that two pieces of the same type on the same team are adjacent, they will take 1/10th health damage.
The game is over when either side has one or fewer rocks, paper or scissors. 

The numbers on the side help you keep track of who may be winning. It is the sum of your remaining healthpool. 

*disclaimer* I failed to make this game from scratch, I ended up borrowing my old network code. I didn't intend to network this game but I did and I didn't save a copy without the network integration, so this is what's left.

Press Escape to return to the room selector.

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